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Pueblo County Consolidated Draft

Public Review Draft

The Consolidated Draft of Pueblo County's new Unified Development Code (UDC) is the first full version of the UDC in its entirety. The document contains each Module previously provided for public review, with revisions in response to feedback from the Pueblo County community. Throughout the draft there are footnotes that describe the source section, significant changes, or commentary for many of the provisions that originated from the current Title 16 (Subdivision Ordinance) and Title 17 (Zoning Code).

Comment period ends August 30, 2024

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Commenting is closed for this document.

We do count garage spaces.
Area south of the reservoir by Goodnight should transfer to RR not A3. Dense development existing will create many nonconformities and is not ag in nature
What if we have a 2 lot 5ac A3 AGO with an existing house. Looking at the current conditions, a conservation sub doesn't make sense. Do we accommodate this type of situation?
Add Met Tower as a temp use.
Crematory's may be stand alone. Allow in Industrial Zones as use by right? Separate from cemetery and mausoleum.
This will have negative impacts on household food security for families and neighborhoods who supplement their diets with eggs and meat from backyard fowl. I also suggest allowing other types of backyard fowl such as ducks, geese, turkey, quail, and guinea fowl, to protect small farmers' businesses and allow for more diverse and nutritious local food choices.
This definition is quite different from the USDA Definition of a Feed Lot. I suggest having synergy between the nationally accepted definitions for these types of terms, to avoid confusion.
There needs to be an exception or update to this that allows for urban agricultural operations (backyard farmers) to keep a flock of birds.
A lumen is a foot-candle. Do you really want 1300 foot-candle lighting on a flag? The Federal Code states that a US flag be illuminated but it does not say how it will be done. This standard is ridiculously high.
A lumen is a foot-candle. Do you really want 900 foot-candle lighting on a flag? The Federal Code states that a US flag be illuminated but it does not say how it will be done.
I know of a business that installed there floodlight ABOVE their canopy at there front door entrance.
3i should be the standard for all wall mounted fixtures directly aimed at people and automobiles. 3ii should be the standard for parking lots only and the should be no confusion between the two provisions.
It should state in the applicability that all new lights should be full cut-off fixtures.
A lot of the "new" lights are Light Emitting Diodes. They are far brighter than any of the old incandescent or florescent lighting devices. They are obnoxious and should be restricted by the UDC. Many business' are installing retrofitted LED wall pacs and panels and the really are blinding as you drive by.
What about the lights that are NON CONFORMING right now as of 08/30/24?
NO!! As lights burn out they should be replaced by CONFORMING lights and fixtures. This will slowly bring the county into compliance.
I can travel between Purcell Blvd. and McCullough Blvd. on Hwy 50, and point out a myriad of buildings that were conforming under the old code but NOW they have been modified and have become NON conforming. Does this mean that all the NON conforming magically are "grandfathered" in just because a new code is written? Please just look at all the blue white lights BLARING at drivers from these buildings.
Five Years is WAY TO LONG. May I suggest 1 year instead. This county is full of very difficult people. They just want to light pollute and don't care what any body else thinks about it.
Again, what about existing? its is unreasonable to ask a farmer to lower the height of an already built structure because a developer got too close to the property line...
What about any productions that are "grandfathered-in". Why must the farmer put up a fence if they've historically already been in an area. It should be the residential people who should have to put up a fence - CO is, after all a "Fence-out" state. That should apply here too, if the new residents don't want to hear and see the agricultural production they elected to move out by.
Residentail Cluster should be required to augment because they will begin to use more then just "one" domestic home and ground water is going to be over-used.
Who determines what "prime" is?
No matter the size, every time a dewlling structure is placed on historically "Ag" land, its no longer Ag land. Farming chopped up little fragments of land isn't farming.
Please remember water is a finite resource!!
Lots are typically completely cleared (scraped to bare soil) when new homes are built, so how will this be complied with?
What kind of screening would be suitable... seems somewhat unreasonable to have to "hide" storage buildings
This size limitation is short sighted and does not allow for the newest technologies which do not require large blades to generate wind technology. Consider providing flexibility for development of newer better technologies.
I am an urban micro-farmer in pueblo. I have a quarter acre which is plenty of space to have a small flock. 2 acre minimum is unnecessarily restrictive for keeping chickens. Please modify this requirement to allow for keeping of urban chickens.
A composting facility, properly managed, is not a high-intensity use. Composting should be allowed adjacent to residential areas, assuming it complies with all existing city/county laws and does not disturb neighbors
Let people keep their Christmas lighting on all night you absolute Grinches
Pallet fences are a great way to recycle, an adorable decoration option, and a low-cost construction method that is accessible to low income residents. Banning them is inconsistent with historical usage, and forces an unnecessarily high cost burden to low income east side residents who will be suddenly forced to upgrade existing fencing due to a revised code.
So a pedestrian or motor vehicle is not blinded by the filament of the light fixture.
There is another place that stated 5 minutes of on time. To be consistent this to should say 5 minutes regardless of motion detector installation.
This seems like a bad idea to me. When I was shopping for my home I checked out houses in a bunch of different neighborhoods and one reason I settled on the East side is because I heard a neighbor's rooster, and I knew it would mean that this is the kind of neighborhood where people may be less well off, but they'd take care of each other. And it's proven true: I know that people around here don't just supplement their own food with chickens and ducks and such, they help their less fortunate neighbors out directly, giving away eggs at the farmer's market and entire birds at the food pantry at Christmastime. Don't be a Scrooge - let people keep their ducks and geese and roosters. Let the East side keep its character. Please and thank you, Thomas Eliot
This used to be for parking lots only and not full operations.
Any thing above 2701K has far to much blue white light component to its illumination. That UV will burn our retinas with long term exposure.
Yes Puebloplex it is very possible given the right fixtures are installed. Your place will be very comfortable to look at.
Holiday Lighting is NOT a problem in fact it is preferred. Should be kept on most of the winter instead of the standard bright lights.
You should be able to have a rooster in a RURAL residential zone.
Allowing only female chickens in an agricultural community like Pueblo County is inconsistent with historical use patterns. Enforcing will cause disruptions to residents' businesses and cultural practices. Residents who have laying flocks of non-chicken fowl will have decreased household food security. At the very least, to protect food security and local farms, include all commonly kept domestic poultry: chickens, ducks, Muscovy ducks, geese, turkey, quail, and guinea fowl.
You can light plan all you want but unless a light meter measurements are below 0.1 foot-candles this means nothing. Case in point Henry Burunga's Wolf Pac Marijuana plane on Enterprize Drive in Pueblo West. Even after modification the place comes in at 0.4 foot-candles. 4 times the legal limit. The place has been out of operation for the last 2 years!
It should state all Commercial, Industrial, and Residential operations if lights are offensive they will be retrofitted and soon as practical. If not commercial operators will IGNORE these provisions and keep on light polluting. That is just the way things are in this county.
Should include all WALLPAC and PANEL LED light sources. They are truly offensive and obnoxious. Low or High Pressure Sodium is passable since it gives off an orange light. This is filterable to any astronomer.
FIVE YEARS!!!! This is totally unacceptable. Mrs. Carmen Howard you promised me it would get better under this UDC. Be a person of your word and quit this soft touch policy. It should be cut down to 12 months. Homeowners with obnoxious lights will forget about it and never change there lights.
Number 6 AOK.
There should be NO exemptions because "beauty is in the eye of the inspector." This give the inspector to much leeway in determination of light pollution. Look at Complaint ZV-24-93 through ZV-24-96. All glaring examples of light pollution but still allowed to exist. All 4 SPRAY there light on my property!
Order of purpose should be 1, 4, 3, 2. People will complain THEY WANT bright lights and use security as there excuse. They will blind people driving or walking by with there obnoxious lights.
It should really say while the business is close during night time hours lights should be off. For example, if a business closes at like 8:00PM then the lights should be OFF at 8:00PM.
Why is this BURIED in the definitions?
A useful scale to measure the color of a light bulb. It is based on the temperature of a steel blast furnace. The cooler the temperature the more yellow a light will be emitted. The hotter the temperature the brighter the white light will be emitted.