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Module 3: Administration and Procedures (1041 Regulations)

Staff Draft of 1041 Regulations

This document is the third installment of Module 3: Administration and Procedures which we are providing in sections as a means of simplifying the review process. Please be sure to address the questions we've provided in orange comment boxes in addition to any other comments you have. Consolidated staff comments on 1041 procedures are due to Clarion staff on Friday, April 12

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Off topic for this section but we currently have an issue with a tire fence I want to make sure we adequately address because of the Colorado beneficial use statute relating to waste tires.
The majority of the opposition for transmission is visual impact especially in residential areas where new overhead lines go in where they did not previously have overhead. There is always a push for undergrounding and always an argument that it's cost prohibitive. I'm not sure we can or want to address it here but I'm throwing it out as a discussion item to chew on.
I think that is a good approach. Curious to see what you found elsewhere.
I'm not sure I understand the question but we do get applicant with multiple permits for approval at the same time or over time on occasion
Should be added